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Message: #00619

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[EP-tech] Re: EPrints XML SWORD package

On 23/05/12 08:08, Mark Gregson wrote:
For SWORD deposits using EPrints XML packages, do the documents need to
be Base64 encoded and embedded in the XML or can they also be included
in the zip as separate files? This is primarily in regard to 3.2.

You can do either..... but you do need a SWORD importer to match the "packaging" type you are sending:

- If you are sending METSDSpaceSIP formatted data, you need an importer than understands that - If you are sending ORE linked data, you need an importer than understands that - If you are sending a single XML file, with Base64-encoded files within the XML document, you need an importer for that.

The best advice I can offer is
1) Check what the "servicedocument" reports the repository accepts, and then
2) Have a look at the code for the importer you want to use: some of them are very skeletal frameworks and really need additional work to be truly useful..


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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