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Message: #00610

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[EP-tech] Re: Demoprints Repositry and SWORD

On Tue, 2012-05-22 at 06:22 +0200, Zaharina Stoynova wrote:
> Hello,
> I am currently trying to deposit entries in EPrints via the SWORD
>  protocol. I have tried my test client (written in JAVA) with
>  Demoprints (http://demoprints.eprints.org/) and everything works
>  great. However I should also manage to install locally a version of
>  EPrints and enable SWORD (version 2.0 if possible) interface in
>  EPrints. From the ServiceDocument of Demoprints I can see that there
>  the SWORD interface supports the EPrintsXML Packaging
>  format:<sword:acceptPackaging>http://eprints.org/ep2/data/2.0</sword:acceptPackaging>.
> What do I need to do in order to enable that? As far as I saw
>  Demoprints is a demostration of EPrints 3.3.9. What should I write in
>  the apache files and the repository files? I have tried with EPrints
>  3.3.9 but when I created a local repository I did not found a sword.pl
>  file in the repository directories - should I write this file alone?
>  Or I have missed to configure something?


SWORD is always enabled in 3.3.9+. If you set up a new blank repository
you should find the appropriate <link> entries in your home page.
(Obviously you need a user account to do anything.)

EPrints XML import/export is always available - it is just an XML
representation of your database schema.

For more information see:

(I realise now that I didn't actually mention SWORD in that page, but
that is the SWORD interface ...)

All the best,

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