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Message: #00570

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[EP-tech] query regarding compatibility to Zotero

Hi there, 

I'm trying to get our prints repository (doras.dcu.ie) to be read by a citation manager, Zotero. 
It does not seem to be translated. 

I enquired from the Zotero team as to whether a translator could be developed by them to read eprints. This is their response:

"Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, there is no standard for eprints metadata. ......  If there is a standard of any sort, or if you can find a link to the default fields that ship with EPrints, we'd be glad to support it."

I've looked through the eprints site, but I can't find the relevant documentation. 
Could someone point me in the right direction with this?


Hugh O Neill
Senior Research Administrator
CLARITY: Centre for Sensor Web Technologies

ph: +353 1 7162639