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Message: #00555

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[EP-tech] Screen::Logout bug?

I think there is a problem in perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/Screen/Logout.pm for sites with multiple secure archives. The upshot is that


sub render_action_link


        my( $self, %opts ) = @_;


        my $link = $self->SUPER::render_action_link( %opts );

        $link->setAttribute( href ="" $self->{session}->config( "http_cgiroot" ) . "/logout" );


        return $link;



should probably check for the existence of https_cgiroot. We’ve bodged the code to


sub render_action_link


        my( $self, %opts ) = @_;


        my $link = $self->SUPER::render_action_link( %opts );

        $link->setAttribute( href ="" $self->{session}->config( "https_cgiroot" ) . "/logout" ); # note the https


        return $link;



which works for us, but which I suspect isn’t the general solution.


The background is that we have two secure instances, http://eprints.uwe.ac.uk and http://researchdata.uwe.ac.uk. Unless the change is made to render_action_link the logout link is researchdata.uwe.ac.uk appears as http://eprints.uwe.ac.uk/cgi/logout, which doesn’t work.




Jon Hallett CEng MBCS CITP

Library IT Manager

Library Services

UWE Bristol

Frenchay Campus

Coldharbour Lane


BS16 1QY

+44 (0)117 328 1560
