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Message: #00529

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[EP-tech] Re: METS-import plugin?

I'll email you the variation I wrote for my Broker....

On 09/05/12 14:28, Roland Roth-Steiner wrote:

is there an import-Plugin for METS in eprints?

Or can we reuse the METS.pm delivered in Sword?

./import elvis archive gives me:

Available input formats:
     AtomMultipart: Atom Multipart (Single object input only)
            BibTeX: BibTeX
        Compressed: Unpack an archive (.zip or .tar.gz) (Single object
input only)
               DOI: DOI (via CrossRef)
            DSpace: DSpace Metadata (List input only)
           EndNote: EndNote
        EndNoteZCI: EndNoteZCI
            ISIWoK: ISI Web of Knowledge (List input only) (DISABLED)
           OpenXML: Microsoft .docx (Single object input only)
               PDF: Import (PDF) (Single object input only)
          PubMedID: PubMed ID
         PubMedXML: PubMed XML
               Tex: Import (LaTeX) (Single object input only)
               XML: EPrints XML
        XSLT::Atom: Atom XML (Single object input only)
    XSLT::Identity: EP3 XML (List input only)
XSLT::OpenXMLBibl: OpenXML Bibliography (List input only)




Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


This email was sent via the University of Edinburgh.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.