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Message: #00515

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[EP-tech] Re: simple search vs advanced search

On Fri, 2012-05-04 at 01:11 +0200, Stefano Cecere wrote:
> question: why does the simple search work with all the xapian search
>  syntax (like "exact phrase"), but the advanced search fields just with
>  the "all" or "any" words?
> any idea?

Support for Advanced search hasn't (yet) been added to the Xapian
plugin, so EPrints falls back to the internal search engine.

Xapian support will require some extra magic because you can't perform a
"join". E.g. in advanced search you can find eprints with attached
documents in "PDF" or find eprints by a given user. To support that
query in Xapian requires flattening the object structure.

Basically, it's more difficult and the simple search is still having
kinks fixed!

> it's not easy to have this different behaviour!

Agreed, although e.g. having prefixes doesn't make much sense in
Advanced searches.

> ciao
> stefano
> ____    ___   __  _ _______________________
> Stefano Cecere
> Multimedia Archive developer
> Centro Studi Umanisti KRUR - Firenze
> stefano.cecere@krur.com
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