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Message: #00501

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[EP-tech] Re: Eprints error Language code unknown

Ok. Thanks. I loked at that table...I use 2 languages on the site. English and Ukrainian. uk on my site is Ukrainian language. What defaultlanguage property do? I didn't find any changes on the site after setting it on "en" (Just on the search).

2012/5/4 Sebastien Francois <sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Hi Igor,

Ha good!.. in 3.3.8, we didn't use the Xapian Stemmer (the thing that brought the error in 3.3.9) so it makes sense that it worked then. Generally 'uk' is not a valid language code (the language is English aka 'en'). See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639.

I don't know what goes wrong in the advanced search / creators (note that Xapian only deals with the simple search, not the advanced one). Perhaps Tim B will have something to say on that one.


Thanks! I changed to en
$c->{defaultlanguage} = 'en'; , and now it's work!
In previous version (3.3.8) my  defaultlanguage was set to uk and works normal too. Interesting... =)
Is it ok If my default lang is uk and I set en?

On 03/05/12 18:52, Ігор Ростиславович wrote:
Also, I found one more problem in Xapian. When I try to search in the field Creators in Cyrillic it show me 0 results. In English it's ok.

2012/5/3 Ігор Ростиславович <admin@oa.edu.ua>
Thanks! I changed to en $c->{defaultlanguage} = 'en'; , and now it's work!
In previous version (3.3.8) my  defaultlanguage was set to uk and works normal too. Interesting... =)
Is it ok If my default lang is uk and I set en?

2012/5/3 Sebastien Francois <sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
I reproduced the error, try applying:


However, change your default language to something else than 'uk' ;-)


On 03/05/12 15:10, Ігор Ростиславович wrote:
Hello. I had upgrade eprints to 3.3.9 from 3.3.8.
After upgrade, fast search stop work. When I type something it shows me: Internal Server Error
In error logs i see: [error] Exception: Language code uk unknown How can I fix it? Thanks.


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