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Message: #00462

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[EP-tech] Re: Searches - more information *PLEASE HELP*

On Tue, 2012-05-01 at 07:22 +0000, A.Dun@acfonline.org.au wrote:
> With regards to previous email for searches not working
> If there is a colon ":"  in the title it is not finding words before the colon but finding them after, this is happening with multiple items.
> Any assistance would be very much appreciated.


Note: starting in 3.3 ':' is meaningful in simple searches and
constrains the next term to the given field e.g.
Will search the title field only for "phenomenon".

I need an exact description of what you're doing - the raw "title", the
indexed terms and the raw string(s) your searching with.

Otherwise, can you give me direct access to your server?

All the best,

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