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Message: #00376

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[EP-tech] Re: bin/import --update

Hi Florian,

you should download the import from the trac:



On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Florian Heß <hess@ub.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:
> Hi you all,
> I want to import eprints, just to begin with their mere metadata, via
> $ bin/import heidok --update --user='opus' eprint XML ~fh/eprints_export.xml
> Do I see right that, in eprints version 3.3.8, the --update parameter is
> documented but then ignored completely? In consequence I would always
> have to erase all the eprints before another migration dry-run in order
> that entries are not duplicated, and the document IDs also cannot be
> kept in line with our repositories to migrate?
> That would be kind of tedious as we've got to guarantee that the
> existing "Persistent URLs" keep what their name promises. Is there
> perhaps a tiny hack we can apply temporarily to have <eprintid>
> respected? I'd just like to avoid, if possible, to rewrite URLs based on
> the URN as stored in the records.
> (Admit that regarding migration in the future it is a potential mistake
> to offer both URN and persistent URL at all. So it is likely that either
> of them both got cited in papers. The URN alone would have been no
> problem to re-register.)
> Kind regards,
> Florian Heß
> --
> UB Heidelberg (Altstadt)
> Plöck 107-109, 69117 HD, Germany
> - Informationstechnik
> - WWW-Redaktion
> http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/
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