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Message: #00370

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[EP-tech] Re: Indexer is not generating related files

Hi guys,

I know this is a bit old but I have the same problem with eprints 3.3.8.
I did a massive import (25000 images) then I run out of space so I had
to stop the indexer while I cleaned up the disk. once the indexer
restarted (indexer start) indexer is running but it is not creating
related images.

eprints is installed as eprints:www-data on ubuntu 11.10



On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Centro de Documentación
<cendocu@gmail.com> wrote:
> Chris,
> In my case, it was a user (eprints) and group (www-data) problem.
> It's working again now
> Thank you for your help,
> Cristian
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 12:29 PM, C.S.Yates <c.s.yates@open.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Hi Cristian,
>> It's possible, but as long as the user has been re-created the with the same UID as before I would have thought it would be ok. Is Apache running as the eprints user?
>> Did you say the indexer is running? I.e. running the command from the bin directory './indexer status' gives an output along the lines of:
>> "Indexer is running with PID 21399. Next index in <x> seconds."
>> If so, does the output of 'ps -ef | grep indexer' show eprints owning the indexing process? i.e.
>> eprints  26858 21399  0 Mar20 ?        00:00:06 indexer
>> Does the indexer log show any errors?
>> Sorry for all the questions,
>> Regards,
>> Chris
>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>> Chris Yates
>> Programmer/Repository Web Developer
>> Open University Library
>> Walton Hall
>> Milton Keynes
>> MK7 6AA
>> Tel: +44(0)1908 858 796
>> Email: c.s.yates@open.ac.uk
>> Web: http://oro.open.ac.uk
>> Blog: http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/ORO
>> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/chris_s_yates
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Centro de Documentación [mailto:cendocu@gmail.com]
>> Sent: 21 March 2011 14:54
>> To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
>> Subject: [EP-tech] Re: Indexer is not generating related files
>> Chris,
>> Could there be a permission problem?
>> Last week, we have to (re)create eprints user because the system administrator updated Debian to the last stable version and he "missed" the eprints user.
>> Thanks,
>> Cristian
>> On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 11:05 AM, C.S.Yates <c.s.yates@open.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> Hi Cristian,
>>> Are there any errors in the indexer log (/opt/eprints3/var) and what does running ./indexer status output (/opt/eprints/bin). It does sound strange if all was working 5 days ago. Has the server been patched recently?
>>> The Antiword RPMs can be downloaded from: http://packages.sw.be/antiword/ according to the EPrints Wiki.
>>> Regards,
>>> Chris
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>> Chris Yates
>>> Programmer/Repository Web Developer
>>> Open University Library
>>> Walton Hall
>>> Milton Keynes
>>> MK7 6AA
>>> Tel: +44(0)1908 858 796
>>> Email: c.s.yates@open.ac.uk
>>> Web: http://oro.open.ac.uk
>>> Blog: http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/ORO
>>> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/chris_s_yates
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Centro de Documentación [mailto:cendocu@gmail.com]
>>> Sent: 21 March 2011 13:44
>>> To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
>>> Subject: [EP-tech] Re: Indexer is not generating related files
>>> Chris,
>>> Convert and pdftotext files are installed. The antiword file is missing (usr/bin). SystemSettings.pm configuration is Ok.
>>> I don't know what happened. Five days ago, all worked fine (thumbnails
>>> + index terms).
>>> Could you send me a copy of the antiword file?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Cristian
>>> On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 6:35 AM, C.S.Yates <c.s.yates@open.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>> Hi Kumara/Cristian,
>>>> Have you ensured that you have the following packages installed on
>>>> RHEL and then configured in the correct places in your SystemSettings.pm?
>>>> For thumbnail generation:
>>>> - ImageMagick needs to be installed and the following placed in
>>>> SystemSettings:
>>>> 'executables' => {
>>>>                                                       'convert' =>
>>>> '/usr/bin/convert',
>>>>                                                                 ..
>>>>                                   }
>>>> 'invocation' =>   {
>>>> 'convert_crop_white' =>
>>>> '$(convert) -trim -resize 70% -bordercolor white -border 2x2
>>>> $(SOURCE)
>>>> $(TARGET)
>>>>                                                           ...
>>>>                                   }
>>>> For full text extraction
>>>> - PDF: pdftotext needs to be installed
>>>> - Word: antiword needs to be installed
>>>> 'executables' => {
>>>>                                                       'pdftotext' =>
>>>> '/usr/bin/pdftotext',
>>>>                                                            'antiword'
>>>> => '/usr/bin/antiword',
>>>>                                                            ..
>>>>                                 }
>>>> 'invocation' =>   {
>>>>                                                           'pdftotext'
>>>> =>
>>>> '$(pdftotext) -enc UTF-8 -layout $(SOURCE) $(TARGET)',
>>>>                                                        'antiword' =>
>>>> '$(antiword) -t -f -m UTF-8 $(SOURCE) > $(TARGET)',
>>>>                                                           ....
>>>>                                 {
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Chris
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Chris Yates
>>>> Programmer/Repository Web Developer
>>>> Open University Library
>>>> Walton Hall
>>>> Milton Keynes
>>>> MK7 6AA
>>>> Tel: +44(0)1908 858 796
>>>> Email: c.s.yates@open.ac.uk
>>>> Web: http://oro.open.ac.uk
>>>> Blog: http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/ORO
>>>> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/chris_s_yates
>>>> From: kumara shambhulingaiah [mailto:kumarass2007@gmail.com]
>>>> Sent: 19 March 2011 05:15
>>>> To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
>>>> Subject: [EP-tech] Re: Indexer is not generating related files
>>>> Hi Centro,
>>>> I have also the same problem. I am running EPrints 3.1.3 on RHEL server.
>>>> I have posted the problem on 9th march, but i got no response.
>>>> If you find or got any solution, please mail me.
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>> With regards
>>>> Kumara SS
>>>> 2011/3/19 Centro de Documentación <cendocu@gmail.com>
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> The indexer is running but when the document is uploaded and moved to
>>>> repository the related files (indexer terms and thumbnail) suddenly
>>>> not being generated.
>>>> How to resolve this? I'm running eprints 3.2.5
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Cristian