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Message: #00355

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[EP-tech] Re: XAPIAN Search

On Wed, 2012-04-04 at 14:36 +0000, Schallehn, Volker wrote:
> There have raised some questions about the XAPIAN search in EP 3.3.x:
> 1) Is the XAPIAN search a substitute of the bin/indexer program?

No. The index for Xapian is built in addition via a trigger (see

You can always get back the internal search by disabling the
Search::Xapian plugin (or changing it's 'q' value to 0).

> 2) Does the XAPIAN search works in the simple and also in the advanced search?

Only Simple search at the moment. The advanced search requires some
things that Xapian can't do e.g. "userid.username".

> 3) We did a complete reindex (the index has been build in
>  ../archive_id/var/xapian) and tried some queries in the simple search
>  (it's EP 3.3.8) afterwards like "creators_name:Smith" or
>  "creators:Smith". They don't work, whereas "Smith" brings the
>  appropriate results. But at http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/ a search
>  term like "creators_name:Smith" seems to work. Is there anything what
>  we have missed on our side?

If you're Xapian is active you will have a "relevance" ordering
available on the search results.

Names (as-in creators_name:Smith) may be broken in 3.3.8. I'll
double-check this for the 3.3.9 release.
If "title:Term" works then that's the problem.

All the best,

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