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Message: #00353

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[EP-tech] Re: Altering DajaObj/Eprint.pm behaviour without altering core code

Maybe because IRStats lives outside EPrints (in other words it won't load your local patch)?

If you add your local change to cgi/irstats.cgi (what loads IRStats so put your code after "use IRStats;") then it could work.


On 04/04/12 16:20, Ian Stuart wrote:
On 04/04/12 16:06, Sebastien Francois wrote:
IRStats caches lots of stuff, so clear your cache also
Nope - not that.... 'cos if I alter the "original" renderer, the changes
come through

On 04/04/12 15:56, Ian Stuart wrote:
Hmmmm does not appear to be playing:

in ~/archives/[ID]/cfg/cfg.d/irstats.pl I added
     # My replacement chartdirector_render (see end of file)
     *IRStats::Visualisation::Graph::Line::chartdirector_render =

... and then

sub my_chartdirector_render
.... exactly the same routine, but without the title element

Not playing ball
(yes: saved both files, and restarted apache)