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Message: #00327

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[EP-tech] Re: specific Views for particular types

Am 30.03.2012 14:20, schrieb Florian Heß:
But clicking on one type, that is linked to
$base_url/view/dissmed_autor/myEprintType_xy/, I get then a 404: File
not found. The missing page is instead accessible with
$base_url/view/dissmed_autor/myEprintType_xy/myEprintType_xy/, note the
double subdirectory. When clicking on an author then, I get another 404,
as the author urls should have again only one myEprintType_xy/ in the path.

Could you tell me what is wrong here, please? Or is this one of the
regressions you say they are fixed in 3.3.8 so the problem will be past
on update?

Indeed, this issue is gone in version 3.3.8, thank you.

F Hess

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