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Message: #00305

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[EP-tech] Re: 3.3.6 JS error in batch Edit

The error is still present in 3.3.8 with the same symptoms :(


On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Rory McNicholl <r.mcnicholl@ulcc.ac.uk> wrote:
> I need to correct/clarify this bit.
> On 07/12/11 10:47, Rory McNicholl wrote:
> Lastly (and most weirdly) I was doing a batch remove on my mac with chrome
> the response was as explained above. The result was that nothing got
> removed.
> I did the same action from chrome on ubuntu, but although the JS and perl
> errors were the same as described above the items *did* get removed.
> This was not actually what happened. The JS errors persist for batch editing
> and batch removal, however the batch editing does actually happen (There are
> no perl errors).
> What I had done was moved the records into the user area and thought they
> had been deleted. Of course the lack of prgress bar/reporting when batch
> editing added to the confusion.
> - So Batch editing does work, but doesn't tell the user it has worked.
> - Batch removal doesn't work and doesn't tell the user it has not worked or
> worked or anything.
> Cheers,
> Rory
> --
> Rory McNicholl
> Technical Manager
> Digital Archives & Repositories Team
> University of London Computer Centre
> Senate House
> Malet Street
> London
> WC1E 7HU
> t: +44 (0)20 7863 1344
> e: r.mcnicholl@ulcc.ac.uk
> w: http://www.ulcc.ac.uk/
> b: http://dablog.ulcc.ac.uk/
> The University of London is an exempt charity in England and Wales and a
> charity registered in Scotland (reg. no. SC041194)
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