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Message: #00278

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[EP-tech] Re: Adding browse by type

You need to edit your site's "template".

Usually located at: /opt/eprints3/archives/<id>/cfg/lang/en/templates/

Or perhaps at: /opt/eprints3/lib/templates/

Once you're done (warning: must be valid XML), reload the conf or restart apache.


On 23/03/12 11:44, Malcolm Bodger wrote:



Regarding EPrints version 3.3.6 running on Ubuntu


I've added a "Browse by Type" and it works, but does not appear in the drop down menu when you pass your mouse over it. You have to click on the 'Browse' tab and select it from the list.

My question is, how and what do I need to edit to change the text to enable 'Browse by Type to appear when you pass the mouse over the 'Browse' tab?

Also, I would like to add an additional tab on the top menu bar for advanced search, how and what do I need to edit to create this option?




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