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Message: #00267

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[EP-tech] Re: File icons in 3.3?

On Thu, 22 Mar 2012 10:00:06 +0000, Sebastien Francois
> You can define locally which "sizes" of thumbnails you can have, given a 
> document (but this might only work for newly created documents - not 
> sure how you'd remove the already generated thumbnails)

epadmin redo_thumbnails
removes all existing thumbnails, so will clear the existing "smalls".

You probably want:
@$list = grep { $_ ne "small" } @$list;
To keep the preview/lightbox versions.

NB The small icons should be the same dimensions - you may need to update
your ImageMagick version.


> $c->{thumbnail_types} = sub
> {
>          my( $list, $session, $doc ) = @_;
>          # write the code to recognise that $doc is a cover page (will 
> depend on your set up)
>          # in pseudo-code:
>          IF( DOC IS COVERPAGE )
>          {
>              @$list = ();
>          }
> };
> Look for "thumbnail_types" in perl_lib/EPrints/DataObj/Document.pm to 
> see how this works in more detail.
> Seb.
> On 21/03/12 23:52, Mark Gregson wrote:
>> We have the following in archive/blah/cfg/cfg.d/plugins.pl
>> = 1;
>> There could be more to it but try that first.
>> Cheers
>> Mark
>> Mark Gregson | Application and Development Team Leader
>> Library eServices | Queensland University of Technology
>> Level 2 | I Block | Kelvin Grove Campus | GPO Box 2434 | Brisbane 4001
>> Phone: +61 7 3138 3782 | Web: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/
>> ABN: 83 791 724 622
>> CRICOS No: 00213J
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk
>> [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Gunnar Wolf
>> Sent: Thursday, 22 March 2012 4:44 AM
>> To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
>> Subject: [EP-tech] Re: File icons in 3.3?
>> Centro de Documentación dijo [Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 10:27:43AM -0300]:
>>> Hi,
>>> Can someone solve this issue? I prefer to show file icons insted of
>>> cover page icons.
>>> In general, cover pages aren't uniform in size and look.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Gunnar,
>>> To replace blank icon you should run:
>>> epadmin redo_mime_type repositoryid file
>>> epadmin redo_thumbnails repositoryid
>> I agreee with Cristian's request here - We would also prefer to have a
>> file icon rather than a miniature cover page (which becomes
>> unrecognizable for anything).
>> Cristian, thanks for the tip - However, this just regenerates the
>> thumbnails as they are, with the "other" file icon and not with an
>> icon that specifies the MIME type as it was before (and as it should
>> be for us).
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All the best,