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Message: #00217

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[EP-tech] Re: post installation issue

and the problem is?

Il 20/03/2012 11:11, smal@ccmb.res.in ha scritto:

NO, it is wrong, it still asks for new repository ID. see the pasted output.

bash-4.1$ bin/epadmin create

Create an EPrint Repository

Please select an ID for the repository, which will be used to create a directory
and identify the repository. Lower case letters and numbers, may not start with
a number. examples: "lemurprints" or "test3"

Existing repositories:
epigenome, chromatin, publications_new, ccmb_publications, publications

Archive ID?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Denis Pitzalis - STARC"<d.pitzalis@cyi.ac.cy>
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 3:05:44 PM
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: post installation issue


if I'm right the command epadmin create does not take any further
option. you will declare after the name of your new repository.


On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 9:19 AM, Yuri<yurj@alfa.it>  wrote:
Il 20/03/2012 08:39, smal@ccmb.res.in ha scritto:
there are two instances at which the output varies

1. bin/epadmin reload "repository ID"

The repository config will be reloaded, but you should still restart apache as soon as possible.
( I checked that both apache and mysql are running as usual)

2. bin/epadmin reload or any other command "repository ID"

It outputs various epadmin command menus as follows

Usage: epadmin *command* repository_id* (options)
    where *command* is one of:

    create_db etc...
Hope this suffice your needs to diagnose this issue. I concur with you that I may have missed the basic parameter while configuring the D/B. If it is so, how do I have to reconfigure ths same D/B.?
why can't you just post the commands you give and its output? :)
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