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Message: #00205

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[EP-tech] Re: broken linkS in 'review summary mail' for editor

This was fixed in r7318 - check trac.eprints.org/eprints (I'm aware that it's down right now).


On 19/03/12 10:32, Thomas Lauke wrote:
The line
<p><epc:pin name="n"/>  item(s)<a href='{$config{userhome}}?screen=Review'>awaiting review</a>.</p>
of lib/lang/en/phrases/system.xml isn't expanded correctly ('/cgi/users/home?screen=Review' seems to be incomplete and doesn't work!)!?

The line
<p>To cancel or temporarily disable this email update,<epc:pin name="url">click here</epc:pin>.</p>  is expanded to
<p>To cancel or temporarily disable this email update,<epc:pin name=http://entw-server.grs.de/cgi/users/home?screen=User%3A%3AEdit&userid=4>click here</epc:pin>.</p>, e.g.
Imho it should be (that link works for me) something like

Thanks for some correction in advance
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