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Message: #00146

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[EP-tech] Re: Uploading a file issue


- make sure you upgraded your local config files to the new 3.3 config (diff with lib/defaultcfg/) - make sure your workflow file (archives/<id>/cfg/workflows/eprint/default.xml) is up-to-date (compared with lib/defaultcfg/workflows/eprint/default.xml) - make sure you don't have a local over-ride of a javascript file (in archives/<id>/cfg/static/javascript/auto/) - remove the generated auto.js file (archives/<id>/html/en/javascript/auto.js)
- test again

If possible, install Firebug to your firefox and see what happens during the ajax callbacks (what's sent / received...)


On 08/03/12 15:07, Dimitrakakis Georgios wrote:

the error means "Moved Temporarily" but I guess you already know that.

What I find strange is the path. Is it trying to access DIRECTLY the
"/cgi/users...." or is it "/opt/eprints/cgi/....." but you 've missed

Just a thought...Did you try to reload (/opt/eprints/bin/epadmin
reload ARCHIVE_ID) the repository and then restart the http server?

