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Message: #00131

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[EP-tech] Re: IR Stats


Edit /opt/eprints3/archives/<ARCHIVEID>/cfg/irstats.conf, look for the line:

set_ids = divisions, subjects, creators_name

And add the name of your field ('organisation'?) to that list and regenerate your stats.

Kind regards,

On 07/03/12 16:45, Pauline Simpson wrote:
Our version is 3.2.9

Our IR is  multi national,
multi institutional

We have a field labelled Issuing Agency  (organisation) which equates to the schools or division field in a University IR.

I have attached screen dumps of our IR stats interface and Browse by Issuing Agency list, although IR Stats  reads like you should be able to retrieve stats for a collection  (Issuing Agency),  I dont see where this is facilitated?

Apologies if this is not the list for this type of query which is specific to EPrints - it may have a technical solution, but perhaps not.

thanks  Pauline
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