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Message: #00126
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[EP-tech] Out of sync? Changed type of a custom field: Adding field column now renders review table of some users empty
- To: "eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk" <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
- Subject: [EP-tech] Out of sync? Changed type of a custom field: Adding field column now renders review table of some users empty
- From: Florian Heß <hess@ub.uni-heidelberg.de>
- Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2012 17:13:48 +0100
Hi. :-)Our custom field "wer" in eprint dataset signifies the editor who declared their sole further responsibility in the workflow of a particular item. It is hidden by show_in_fieldlist => 0 in cfg.d/eprint_fields.pl to meet institutional privacy rules. (btw: Wish I could set show_in_fieldlist => 'staff' or so ...)
Recently, in order to make the equivalence match on that field work, I changed the type of the field from TEXT to ID. The field serves as one of two OR'ed editorial scope restriction criteria [cf. earlier post].
Since then and after reloading configuration, updating the database and restarting the webserver, however, admin and some few editors who have an unrestricted editorial scope (but there might be more, I am not sure) do not see any items.
Reloading config as well as restarting Apache once more did not solve the problem, neither did a `bin/epadmin recommit $repo user $admin_id`. The indexer ticks well and reindexing did not brought me any further.
The problem does *not appear* when using the API: eprints:~$ perl -I ~/perl_lib/ -MEPrints print EPrints->new->repository( "REPO_ID" ) ->user_by_username( "admin" ) ->editable_eprints_list( filters => [{ meta_fields => [qw|eprint_status|], value => "buffer" }] )->count , " items should be listed for review.\n"' ; 67 items should be listed for review.These 67 records *are* displayed in the web interface when admin removes the "wer" column in the review table. When I reset the user's review_fields setting by EPrints API to the default as defined in cfg.d/user_fields_default.pl ...
eprints:~$ perl -I ~/perl_lib/ -MEPrints $repo = EPrints->new->repository("REPO_ID"); $user = $repo->user_by_username("admin"); $user->set_value( review_fields => [ "status_changed", "creators_name", "title", "type", "userid", "wer" ] ); $user->commit;Et voilà: Review table is empty, without last "wer" array element again it is filled.
After all, this looks like a problem with some cached data left unrefreshed. My question then is what to reset or drop manually?
As a last resort I can simply create a new user account. That would do even with above default setting, a test was successful, but that is not a proper solution. I would prefer to understand what is going wrong and maybe you like to be informed about that phenomenon. :-)
Kind regards, Florian Heßps. sorry, a complicated problem makes a long email, wrote it while I examined ...
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