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Message: #00105

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[EP-tech] Re: multilang elements: language field

Hi Antje,

you should edit the file “../archiveID/cfg/namedsets/languages” and
add only the languages you want to support, in your case just the ones
defined in ../archiveID/cfg/cfg.d/languages.pl.
note that this is very useful as in cases like mine, we have 6
official languages, but we have documents submittend in more than 250


On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 1:20 PM,  <Antje.vonSchmidt@dlr.de> wrote:
> Hello EPrints,
> why does the language field for multilang elements (e.g. title, abstract,
> keywords) shows the languages which are defined in the file
> “../archiveID/cfg/namedsets/languages”. I would prefer if only those
> languages are shown, which are supported by the repository. These languages
> are defined in the file “../archiveID/cfg/cfg.d/languages.pl”. How can I
> change this?
> Best regards
> Antje
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Denis Pitzalis
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