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Message: #00078

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[EP-tech] import plugins supported by 3.2.8

Hi List,

Will someone be able to tell me what are the import plugins that are supported by eprints 3.2.8.I know it supports XML but can we also import Dublin Core or some other formats?

We have a scenario where we need to bring metadata from other system.At present this process is all manual entry but we want to make it more efficient.We want to do bulk import of metadata.

One of the possiblilties I saw was that I get the XML format from other system, write an XSLT to transform it to match the eprints XML format and then use the import command to import the data.

But would like to know if it is possible to do it differently i.e. without writing XSLT perhaps?

Ranju Upadhyay
National Universty of Ireland Maynooth.