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[EP-tech] Re: Changing "Deposited By" for items?

Il 29/02/2012 14:28, Alex Birchall ha scritto:

We are using EPrints 3.2.8 (Apple Crumble) [Born on 2011-06-20].

It is not possible through the Eprints Admin interface to change the "Deposited By" field.  Can it be done safely with SQL?  I could try doing it for myself, but before I do I thought I'd try and find out whether anyone else had done the same.

you can do it also using ep3xml.

I think it is safe because it is used just to get the owner of the eprint. So, if you change it, that other user will be able to edit it.

Many thanks.


Alexander J Birchall
Library Systems Manager
The Sheppard Library
Middlesex University
The Burroughs
London NW4 4BT

+44 (0) 208 411 5235

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