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Message: #00025

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[EP-tech] Re: EPrints behind a reverse proxy

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 10:08 AM, Ian Stuart <Ian.Stuart@ed.ac.uk> wrote:
> http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Non-root_proxy
> Look down to "Creating the basic repository"

EPrints produces absolute URLs for everything (http://web.host.name/),
so we need to ensure that the repository uses the correct address.
$c->{host} = 'public.host.name.org';
$c->{port} = '80';

Yes, but i think this doesn't solve.
This should be my architecture:

http://url1.proxy:80   ->   http://eprints.local:8080
http://url2.proxy:80   ->   http://eprints.local:8081

1 frontend reverse proxy (with subdomains), and several backend
eprints, running on local domains, on different ports (on separate
servers). If href are absolute, it will not work.
